Monday, 21 March 2011

Supriya 100 word challenge Wk3

I moved through the brown sand. I was hungry and thirsty but no one was around. Trees and plants were painted before me, but nothing to live on. There was a black spot, I could see life. There was something moving, it was an animal. There was a waterfall and the unknown animal was sitting under it. As I shuffled forwards I could see what it was, it was a beautiful, grey elephant. I trudged towards the pure water. The elephant watched, I could see home. My heart was beating; I was filled with power… My life was restored again!


  1. Well done for being the first in our class to complete the challenge this week Supriya!

    What an intriguing post it is. I really like the part where you said 'trees and plants were painted before me'. I am also impressed that you have used a range of powerful verbs in your writing.

  2. I loved 'shuffled' & 'trudged' Supriya. They really helped me set the mood for this great piece. Thank you for joining 100WC!

  3. Hi Supriya

    I love this. It is so full of life and energy. You capture the life-giving properties of the elephant and the water so beautifully.

  4. Thank you all for your comments.
    I really like doing the 100wc,
    it is really fun to do.
