Thursday, 24 March 2011

Elane's 100wc

The gun was aimed at the small, innocent elephant. It was just having a shower in the waterfall pure water. It didn't know what awful fate was in store. It looked as if it was laughing, enjoying it's life. Not for long. The sun beamed down on the elephants face and it's brown eyes sparkled.Then he caught a glimpse of what was the end of him. It's little legs scurried, he slipped.Suddenly, a shot was fired at it's rough grey skin, he tried to get away. But death had taken him.


  1. Very good description of the elephant. :)

  2. I really like your 100wc Elane, it was really good.
    I like the part when you put But death had taken him. I really like it, the description of the elephant is really good as well.
    Well done.

  3. Elane i liked how you used o describe the elphant i love this phrase The sun beamed down on the elephants face and it's brown eyes sparkled.i really in joyed reading it . Mazvita G

  4. Amazing! My friend Mrs Neal is blown away by your work Elane! She said it made her feel - which means this is a great piece! Thank you so much for writing for the 100WC!
