Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Members of Cafod visit Kenya and gave a warm welcome to the children laini saba

Jon and Rachel had been on a journey to Kenya and they had experienced the amazing African culture .They went to the national safari park in Nairobi. Also they have seen real global justice problems and poverty and climate change.

Jon and Rachel went visit St johns sports society in Korogocho. Korogocho church is outside a massive slum area in Nairobi and Rachel found a quote displayed it read “the first duty of love is to listen”

Jon and Rachel experienced a range of foods from Kenya and they both said “It made our taste buds tingle.” There was different types of food like ugali also sukumawiki and there were juicy mangos.

1 comment:

  1. A well written draft Patrick. Did you manage to interview Rachel this afternoon for your article?
