Friday, 25 March 2011

100 word challenge - week 4

Well done for all your wonderful writing for the 100 word challenge. Special mention goes to Connor, for having his work chosen to be showcased!

Now, on to this week:

The prompt is ….the music seemed to come from …..

You can visit any time and click on the other entries and leave comments.
Just to remind you that this challenge is about CREATIVE writing. When you are thinking about your piece really think about the words you are using. You only have 100 after all!
Don’t forget to try and visit some other schools and leave some comments on their writing.
(Taken from


  1. Thank you so much for all the hard work you did last week for 100WC! I'm looking forward to reading your pieces! Have a good w/e everyone!

  2. Is this were you put the 100wcs?
