Thursday, 31 March 2011
patricks 100 wc
I was in my room playind on my xbox as normal, but I heard a strange music noise. The music seemed to come from outside on the street, I peered out the window and saw a great big parade. I burst out the front door. The was marvellous , the sun gleaming down on the muscians and drummers playing there wonderful music . I was desprate to get in there and dance and party but dinner was ready. I went into get my dinner I ate my dinner really quick, I rushed to the door but the parade was gone, where?
Research of Thomas Edision
- Birth 11 February 1847
- At the age of nine he received a book on physics
- Thomas set up a chemical lab in his cellar at the age of ten
- went to school for three months, then was schooled by his mother
- Throughout most of his life, Thomas experienced an increase of deafness occurred from an earlier attack of scarlet fever
- set up the first electric power station in lower Manhattan
- Thomas Edision was elected to the hall of fame for great Americans at New York University in 1960
- Died October 18 1931
- Callum Lloyd
School rules
Sam is a typical 11 year old girl in her parents mind, but in real life he is a girl who will not behave and she goes to primary school. She is always spoilt rotten and because she lives in a massive house she thinks that she can do what she wants and where she wants to do it. Sam hates her real name Samantha because it is like a really girly name and she is a tom boy; All though Sam likes to climb trees, play football, swear, torment her little sister and worst of all have fights, Sam can never be stifle because she is such a little naughty, rude girl that will not do as she is told.
100 word challenge - Lauren
It was my friends birthday. She was having a fancy dress party, but i didn't no what to dress up as. Everyone had a dressing up outfit but me, i didn't no what to do, until i heard a magical sound. It all most sounded like music. the music seemed to come from the a tick. as i got closer and closer it was getting louder and louder i had no clue of what it was. then i sore it. It was not an animal or a creature for that matter. it was a glowing mystery but what's in it...
It was my friends birthday. She was having a fancy dress party, but i didn't no what to dress up as. Everyone had a dressing up outfit but me, i didn't no what to do, until i heard a magical sound. It all most sounded like music. the music seemed to come from the a tick. as i got closer and closer it was getting louder and louder i had no clue of what it was. then i sore it. It was not an animal or a creature for that matter. it was a glowing mystery but what's in it...
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Day out at Pleasure Beach
I can remember the first time my mum took us to the Pleasure Beach it was during the Summer holidays last year. I couldn't believe how big it was and all the rides looked very exciting. The music seemed to come from lots of different rides. I was very excited to go on the Avalanche it was a fast and very quick ride, I enjoyed it that much we went on it three times. The scariest ride was the Big one pepsi max. I went on with my mum and remember sitting in the carriage, my mum said "hold on tight" as we were traveling up then it suddenly turned quickly lots of people screaming, all I can remember is gripping on the bar for my life, when it had finished I was still holding onto the bar, when we were told it had finished, my legs were shaking and when I saw the exit I darted down the stairs in no time. I can say I experienced it but am sure it will be quite some time before I go on again. callum
Wonderwall challenge 19.1
Mnemonics can help us remember certain facts. For example:
Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain
...helps people remember the colours of the rainbow:
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet.
Can you create a mnemonic to help young children remember the order of the planets?
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Connors homework week4
It was a hot sizzling day in Blackpool but weirdly enough I was sat in my room playing on my blue DSi. Suddenly I heard a unusual noise coming from the other room. It was my sisters room. I sprinted quickly to her room and could not believe what I saw... On her bed was an adorable, cuddly puppy. It quickly ran to me in excitement, I didn't know why. I asked my sister, "where did you get this puppy from?" and she said "I found it on my bed this morning". I didn't believe her and walked out of her room slowly in doubt. 105 words! :D
Monday, 28 March 2011
Facts on Thomas Edison
1: Built his own science lab at aged 10 in his basement.
2: Invented the light bulb and phonograph.
3: Set up the first electric light power station in lower Manhattan.
4: His first patent was granted on the 1st of June 1869. (electric vote recorder)
5: Was diagnosed partially deaf in early childhood due to scarlet fever.
6: He is also known as the first inventor to use the principles of mass production for inventions.
By Mollie . S
Sunday, 27 March 2011
100 WC by megan.f.
My family and I were sat in the front room talking about our day, when we heard the most magnificent sound. It was like we were in heaven. The music seemed to be coming from next door; we decided to investigate and go next door to ask our neighbour about the sound. She said that she had heard the same sound as us but thought it was coming from our house. This intreged us all and we all wanted to know where the sound came from. We followed the sound to the end of the garden wall where we discovered a crack which was hollow inside. My dad went and got his hammer from the garden shed and knocked a bigger hole in the wall. We all stood watching as the sound got louder and louder. Eventually my dad pulled out of the hole time capsule. My dad took it to the house and placed it on the kitchen table. All the faces where staring at the capsule in amazement when eventually my mum opened it. Inside was very old toys and clothes. These looked like they were very old and toys that were made by hand. Also inside was a beautiful music box, this was what was making the amazing sound.
100wc wk4 Supriya
The music seemed to come from inside the little door. I didn’t know who was playing it. I tiptoed out of my bed to listen. The music was wonderful. It made me feel as though I was in paradise. It seemed to me that the person was playing a violin. Suddenly, the music stopped, I thought it was just pausing so I waited for it to carry on. But there was no response. I opened the brown, wooden door. There was something glowing and sparkling. I saw something move, and then it vanished. It was never seen or heard again…
Oscar Romero - by Supriya
Oscar Romero - by Supriya
View more presentations from iamclairei.
Saturday, 26 March 2011
100 word challenge Rachel
Strange...the music seemed to come from the spooky cave. It sounded like a calm melody. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion that made her ears pop. Katie was too curious to stop herself from slowly creeping into the cave. Katie saw something move...she said in a nervous voice "Hello is anyone there?" Something tapped her...she didn't dare to turn round.
A voice said "Hi." She realised that she recognised the voice it was her brother and his band. They were practising for 'St.Kent's got talent. Katie didn't think they had any. That's what the sound was.
1)How old was Oscar Romero when he Died?
2)What was Oscar Romero's full name?
3)What date did Martin Luther King die?
4)Where did Oscar Romero die?
5)Why did Martin Luther King die?
2)What was Oscar Romero's full name?
3)What date did Martin Luther King die?
4)Where did Oscar Romero die?
5)Why did Martin Luther King die?
100 WC
The music seemed to come from a dark dirty house. The music was so loud nobody could hear a thing. Houses were shaking, windows were breaking, as the music was getting out of control. I walked upto the shaking house, my hands felt like they were going to fall off from the shaking. Nobody could see the person who was playing the terrible music. As I knoked on the door, my heart felt like it was in my mouth. The door slowly opened, no one was there. I took one step inside. Who lived in this horrible house?
Friday, 25 March 2011
100 word challenge - week 4
Well done for all your wonderful writing for the 100 word challenge. Special mention goes to Connor, for having his work chosen to be showcased!
Now, on to this week:
The prompt is ….the music seemed to come from …..
Now, on to this week:
The prompt is ….the music seemed to come from …..
You can visit any time and click on the other entries and leave comments.
Just to remind you that this challenge is about CREATIVE writing. When you are thinking about your piece really think about the words you are using. You only have 100 after all!
Don’t forget to try and visit some other schools and leave some comments on their writing.
(Taken from
patrick's 100 wc
I crept slowly to what the strange water noise was, I peeked through the bushes and saw a baby Elephant just sat there like a rock not moving. Water bellowed down on its back it looked very upset like it had been separated so I decided to tip toe towards it (cautiously) but all of a sudden it started to charge. I hesitated but then burst into a sprint. It thumped after me, I ran into the bushes, hoping that I would lose it. Consequently I tripped over a vine, like it was grabbing me. What should I do?
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Mazvita's 100 word challenge
As i saw the elphant having a wash.The human preditors watching close by shot the elphant in the leg and left it there, later that evening the elphant lost a little ammount of blood , a stranger was passing by, and saw the elphant down he ran down to the water fall, and badnged the elphants leg he called the rescue team, to come and take the injured elphant and cheack up on the poor elphant they also took the baby elphant in case it got hit too as they arrived the mummy elphant gave birth to a bouncing baby boy later that evening she fell fast asleep next to her children .
Lochlan's 100 word challenge
Wet,cold all alone. As the baby elephant sat under the hill of rocks all he could think of was his mum,they had been separated when one night in the rain forest there was a thunder storm, there home was destroyed by the mass of water that hit them,so when they saw the water coming towards them they ran,ran as fast they could.When the sun raised the baby elephant could see that his mummy was no longer with him and she could see that he wasn't there either suddenly, at the same time they both did the most biggest roar they could,so they were both roaring and running toward the sound of each other then when they could not roar any they saw each other and the mummy elephant roared the loudest she could and hugged her baby. In the baby elephant's mind he now new he would never be alone again.
Cavan 100 word challenge Week 3
As I watched the elephant having fun in the sparkling water, some water rapidly shot up into my eye,you could know that the baby elephant was having fun just by looking at it and its mouth stayed open all the time .The baby elephants cheesy grin shone out by a mile ,it was running around everywhere and rolling in and out of the puddles you could see the amount of joy that was on his mind and face. Loads of water came out out of its trunk and then the baby elephant jumped up and landed on its bum and with a bang the puddle of water went into the air and landed and my new clothes.
Annabel 100wc
Suddenly...It started to rain. All the animals went back home but one. It was a tiny elephant who was lost and did not know where to go. It had once been in a zoo and was tormented so it ran away. One day in the zoo there was a parade and the elephant was in it and that is how it ran away. Everybody knew what was going to happen because they could see by all of the signs that he was making. But now it has stopped raining and the elephant was playing under a waterfall.
Our work on Oscar Romero and Martin Luther King
Create your own video slideshow at
Here is the work we did yesterday in R.E. What can we learn from Oscar Romero and Martin Luther King?
Kieran's 100wc
I was laughing my socks off! The elephant was getting a shower! That was something you do NOT see every day! Was this a joke? Aah, this was a good day. I took out my phone and recorded it, I had to show my friends. Then, suddenly, Peanut (the elephant) got really scared and ran away. I ran after her as fast as I could, but she was gone. Two days later, I looked at the video and saw a black figure wave at her! It was a ghost! I went back there with my mum and dad and they thought I was crazy. Maybe they were right. Then I found a hook on the floor, this was very frightening!
Reeces 100 word
The Earth rumbled as the beast slowly leaped on the ground. It was taking a shower under the water fall. His ears flapped as the fell on them. It was having so much fun you would think it has never heard of the word fun. As he was getting nice and worm his mum come over and told him it was bed time, so he shook all of the water of him and he ran of to bed and snuggled up in his nice warm bed. His snaring is as load as a roaring tiger. Now he is as clean as water.
homework 100 word
I was on a walk with my father when we came to a dead end. We heard a whip a noise of a elephant crying. We got closer to the forest. The needle was inches away from, the small elephant. The captain was closer to the elephant, I asked my father what they was doing, my father reipled, “ I think the elephant got let out of its cage and went to the rich land , it were treifying to look at. The captain dropped a box other the elephant,he walked over to the elephant and took the box of and got the needle I fell to the floor crying, my father ran up to the captain and grabbed the gun and shot him in the head. We took the elephant back to the zoo and now every year we visited him my father was now a hero.
Elane's 100wc
The gun was aimed at the small, innocent elephant. It was just having a shower in the waterfall pure water. It didn't know what awful fate was in store. It looked as if it was laughing, enjoying it's life. Not for long. The sun beamed down on the elephants face and it's brown eyes sparkled.Then he caught a glimpse of what was the end of him. It's little legs scurried, he slipped.Suddenly, a shot was fired at it's rough grey skin, he tried to get away. But death had taken him.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
callum's 100wc
I was tricked into going into an haunted house,while on the view of it, the outside of the house looked normal but slightly strange. Before I could even touch the door handle the door darted open! and suddenly the path behind me started to disappear,this place is spooky I thought to myself. I realised this is a candy house! the chairs are made of chocolate,the windows are stripy candy canes and what looks like sugared glass panes. The fridge is actually made of ice cream! I went upstairs after eating some chair,window and some fridge LOL. I went into a bedroom and the clear plastic water bed,was filled with fizzy orange pop and had a giant straw sticking out between two selection box pillows,it also had a candy floss blanket. Oh I was in heaven I thought to myself or was it just a fantastic dream!
100 WC
As the elephant was stud under the water the Lion approached from the dark. The Lion slowly strolled up to the vulnerable Elephant. The elephant turned around and hit the Lion with its trunk. The Lion bit the Elephant on the end of the nose. Who will die?
Oscar Romero
Oscar Romero was born 1917-1980 in El Salvador in central America. He became a priest in 1942 and became a Archbishop in 1977. He was aware that the wealth of the country was in the hands of a small number of families. Archbishop Romero came to see that the law of the land was unjust and evil. He saw no reason to obey these laws. Even though public meetings were forbidden, he encouraged public to do so. He demanded explanation from the government about murder of certain priests. He called on church leaders to become the voice of the poor. He said:"The world that the church must serve is the world of the poor."It was very clear to all that he was on the side off the poor and those suffering injustice. He allowed a radio station to be set up in the office of the cathedral, which would broadcast the injustice of the government and the powerful wealthy class. When it was Sunday mass, Oscar Romero was murdered in march 1980 by a bullet.
Martin Luther King: By Kieran & Joe
Martin Luther King was a brilliant man, he was an inspiration to millions of people and changed the world for the better. He was born on the 15th January 1929-and died April 4th 1968.
He was a black Baptist minister and was a voice for all the black people in America who were being treated really badly. Because he was Christian, he did not just think about his work for helping millions of people, but he did it for god too. Lots of people, including himself, believed in him as he lead the civil rights movement. He died for what he believed in, and his only dream was to make this a better world. Since then, racism has gone down, but still people of all races are being discriminated against. We all have to work hard and stop this once and for all!
He was a black Baptist minister and was a voice for all the black people in America who were being treated really badly. Because he was Christian, he did not just think about his work for helping millions of people, but he did it for god too. Lots of people, including himself, believed in him as he lead the civil rights movement. He died for what he believed in, and his only dream was to make this a better world. Since then, racism has gone down, but still people of all races are being discriminated against. We all have to work hard and stop this once and for all!
Mollie.T -100 Word Challenge Wk 3
I was walking deep into a hot dessert, searching for some cool water, when I heard the sound of a person singing and water splashing against the floor.
I peered around the corner and saw a beautiful baby elephant being washed by her mother. She was led under a small water fall. The scene was beautiful, as the sun set down, behind the trees, and the water cascading down the flower ramp.
My mouth watered as drips of water fell from the elephants tummy. I walked over and slowly lead in the water. It was very refreshing. COOL WATER.
I peered around the corner and saw a beautiful baby elephant being washed by her mother. She was led under a small water fall. The scene was beautiful, as the sun set down, behind the trees, and the water cascading down the flower ramp.
My mouth watered as drips of water fell from the elephants tummy. I walked over and slowly lead in the water. It was very refreshing. COOL WATER.
100 word challenge - Meghan
I was exploring threw the forest when I stumbled across something very unsuspecting. It was a African elephant having a refreshing shower under the wonderful waterfall. I stayed there and watched it for almost an hour. Then I diseded to go but when I got up the elephant spotted me and I started to run. It ran after me. My heart was pumping when suddenly, I fell but the elephant stopped to. It looked at me with its brown beady eyes and picked me up and put me on his hairy back. It felt like I was dreaming but I pinched myself and I wasn't.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
100 Words Challenge !!!!!
The crystal water was so clear you could see the bottom of the ocean it looked like tap water !! As we sailed on the glass bottom boat you could see all the fishes below there was flashes of bright colour swimming by that reminded me of a summers day rainbow. The sky above was pale blue and the clouds reminded me of cotton wool balls. The coral reef looked like coloured rocks they were so beautiful i couldn't take my eyes off them. As we sailed home the sun set low and it looked like the sun was on fire. By Mollie.S
The small elephant was beneath the warm rocks hiding away from the sizzling hot sun.The elephant explodes water out of his long trunk cooling down the elephant. He could sense the taste of water pouring down his ear. The refreshing water is splosh splashing over him.It tickles him and feels nice,he looks like he is laughing.He is snorting the water through his trunk in joy.The water was ruffly going down his throat as if he was having a steaming hot shower.It looks like he is enjoying it because he has got a very happy face on him.He is sitting on the soggy sand coloured floor peacefully and very relaxed . It looks like he is all alone but he is not lonely. This looks like it is the elephants perfect place to be.The elephant is big and powerful but looks quite small and gentle.I suggest this is the perfect way for a hot heavy elephant to spend the day.
Monday, 21 March 2011
100 word challenge Rachel
As I was exploring in the jungle, I found this enormous elephant having a lovely shower. It was such a stunning thing to see from a far. It was about 50c and I was sweating like a pig but I couldn't let it smell me or it would charge at me. I waited day and night just for the elephant to move but it didn't move a muscle and it didn't need to because another elephant brought him food. I was running out of options but really needed to know what was in the deep, dark cave.
Megan.F's 100WC
I was upset mum told me that we were moving, I didn't want to move I had loads of friends hear . I thought to myself that I should go to waterfall one more time before I go. It was my favorite place to go as a child . As I was walking a tear trickled down my face and I fell to my knees but as I did I saw the elephant, it looked like he was having a bath, I couldn't move but i didn't know why was it because I was to scared that it mite charge at me or was it because it was beautifully amazing? I slowly moved backwards hoping that it wouldn't see me then i ran home and told my mum what I saw but she didn't believe me.
Supriya 100 word challenge Wk3
I moved through the brown sand. I was hungry and thirsty but no one was around. Trees and plants were painted before me, but nothing to live on. There was a black spot, I could see life. There was something moving, it was an animal. There was a waterfall and the unknown animal was sitting under it. As I shuffled forwards I could see what it was, it was a beautiful, grey elephant. I trudged towards the pure water. The elephant watched, I could see home. My heart was beating; I was filled with power… My life was restored again!
Saturday, 19 March 2011
My favourite book, Supriya
One of my favourite books are A Series of Unfortunate Events. It's not actually one book, there are lots of different series, 1-13. I have not finished all the books yet, but I think they are really good.
The books are about three siblings named Violet, Klaus, Sunny. They were at the beach whan thay recieve terrible news from their friend Mr Poe that their father and mother had died in a fire. Count Olaf was a mean man who pretended to be the siblings relative so Mr Poe hands them over to him. The three siblings had a massive fortune and Count Olaf was planning to kill them for the fortune.
Each book is about the different people who looks after them and how Count Olaf follows. I really like these books and I can not wait till I read the last one.
Whats your favourite book??
The books are about three siblings named Violet, Klaus, Sunny. They were at the beach whan thay recieve terrible news from their friend Mr Poe that their father and mother had died in a fire. Count Olaf was a mean man who pretended to be the siblings relative so Mr Poe hands them over to him. The three siblings had a massive fortune and Count Olaf was planning to kill them for the fortune.
Each book is about the different people who looks after them and how Count Olaf follows. I really like these books and I can not wait till I read the last one.
Whats your favourite book??
Friday, 18 March 2011
100 word challenge - week 3
The prompt is a little different this week. It is a picture! You need to look carefully and imagine a story. You then have 100 words to tell that story.
You might like to tell it from the elephant’s point of view or maybe a human looking at it. You choose!
The 100 Word Challenge is for anyone under 16. You write your story then post it on our class blog as usual and when it has been moderated, I can link it to the challenge page.
You can come back at any time and click on the other entries and leave comments.
Just to remind you that this challenge is about CREATIVE writing. When you are thinking about your piece really think about the words you are using. You only have 100 after all!
Don’t forget to try and visit some other schools and leave some comments on their writing.
Click here to read more and see other entries.
(Taken from the
You might like to tell it from the elephant’s point of view or maybe a human looking at it. You choose!
The 100 Word Challenge is for anyone under 16. You write your story then post it on our class blog as usual and when it has been moderated, I can link it to the challenge page.
You can come back at any time and click on the other entries and leave comments.
Just to remind you that this challenge is about CREATIVE writing. When you are thinking about your piece really think about the words you are using. You only have 100 after all!
Don’t forget to try and visit some other schools and leave some comments on their writing.
Click here to read more and see other entries.
(Taken from the
Rachel - Injustice homework
Rachel - Injustice homework
View more presentations from iamclaireirvin
Thursday, 17 March 2011
My faviorite hobby - Mollie.T
For my homework I have decided to write about my favorite hobbie, which is playing football with my friends.
I dont go to girls football, at school, but it is someting I do in my spare time, rather than watching T.V and sleeping. I like it because it livens me up, and gives me great pleasure in being able to move and talk.
I enjoy playing football and that is my favorite hobby.
I dont go to girls football, at school, but it is someting I do in my spare time, rather than watching T.V and sleeping. I like it because it livens me up, and gives me great pleasure in being able to move and talk.
I enjoy playing football and that is my favorite hobby.
100 word challenge - Cavan
The crystal water was so clear I could see the bottom of the deep and damp blue lake, you could see the crocodiles right down into the lake waiting for its next victim. The crocs red eyes shone through out the lake and his shiny green scales made the crocodile so enormous. As I walked back home the crocodile what I saw in the lake jumped onto the shore, looking fearsome than ever. The crocs jaws snaped and looked thirsty for human flesh. its mouth driped with water I was realy scared! I ran back home the croc chased me, two minutes later I reach the door steps of my house knowone was home. I watched as the agressive crocodile walked back into the deep blue lake from my bedroom window, he know that he'll get me some day.
We need justice in our lives or nothing would be fair. Injustice is when someone is being nasty for no reason. Injustice is still going on everywhere in the world. We need to stop any injustice like bullying. Many people are trying to stop injustice in our world. By Owen
Let's get commenting!
Click the link above and get commenting!
Remember what we discussed in class.
Click the link above and get commenting!
Remember what we discussed in class.
Mollie.T -100 Word Challenge
The crystal water was so clear I could see the bottom of the ocean. I could see the clustered stones lie beneath the rough sand. So I stepped in the warm tense water and lead back. Then all of a sudden gushing waves pulled me away from the beach edge. Then my head started to sink beneath the surface, then the waves stopped and I stood up the in the water it was quite shallow, and I could smell the salty air. As I was walking over to my parents I realized they weren't there. I panicked. Where were they?
By Mollie.T
By Mollie.T
100 word challenge - Annabel
I was almost there. It was only 10 minutes away; I could see it but only just. Finally, I was there - at the ocean. No one was looking. Maybe, just maybe, I could do it. I had all the time in the world (apart from the fact that I had to be home by for tea). Should I do it no, yes, no, yes – yes! I would do it I would say the words...The crystal water was so clear you could see the bottom of the ocean floor covered in Jelly fish. It was time.
100 word challenge - Danielle and Jessica
As I looked at my glass of water, I saw a shining star it shined like the sun it moved like the waves. As I drank my water i got taken to an magic place, this place was shiny and was very glittery. I was scared, this was the place were my Mums family was born it was bringing me back to 1970's, people was wearing very weird clothes they looked very poor this was the part were I was getting scared one way I looked was a bull fighter the other way I looked was fish sellers were to go was the question all I wanted to do is go home. I was getting asked loads of question but I did not understand there language i was very confused. What to do what to say were to go. When I had another drink of this water I was took home to my bed fast asleep i must have been dreaming. My glass of water was there next to my bed empty it was now time for school. I told my mum what i had been up to over the night, she said I was a silly boy and I was just dreaming. By Danielle + Jessica.
100 word challenge - Elane
As I stood in the warm flowing river, I could hear the small birds sing. I could feel the smooth rocks beneath my aching feet. I had walked for miles just to get to this place. This was where my motherer was murdered. This was where my life changed forever. The crystal water was so clear I could see the bottom of the stony rivers floor. That was where my mother was found lying dead. She was found with a stone in her hand. No one Knew why she had it. Wait,is that glowing over there? Yes, it is! Wait this is the stone that my mother held when she was found! Hey, what was that noise? Who's there? Please don't hurt me. Ahh!
100 word challenge - Megan F
As I looked over the beautiful Irish lake, in the the corner of my eye I spotted something dark and mysterious. I felt a pull underneath my skin and went closer. I saw it again. I ran. It was gone.
I went back and I looked in. The crystal water was so clear I could see the bottom of it and saw the fish darting around; it was like magic. Suddenly, something pushed me in and I fell in. It was magic that I could breathe! I swam down some more and I was following the fish. It was there the figure helped me.
I went back and I looked in. The crystal water was so clear I could see the bottom of it and saw the fish darting around; it was like magic. Suddenly, something pushed me in and I fell in. It was magic that I could breathe! I swam down some more and I was following the fish. It was there the figure helped me.
1oo word challenge supriya
I was aching badly all over but I knew that I had to keep on moving. There was something in the clearing. It was a beautiful, gleaming river and it felt so magical. I felt as though no one was following me anymore.
There were all kinds of fish: tiny, tall, big and small. It was so mysterious but I felt as though a giant weight had been lifted out of my body. The crystal water was so clear that I could see the bottom of the delightful river. I didn't get it, was this a weird or wonderful dream?
There were all kinds of fish: tiny, tall, big and small. It was so mysterious but I felt as though a giant weight had been lifted out of my body. The crystal water was so clear that I could see the bottom of the delightful river. I didn't get it, was this a weird or wonderful dream?
The 100 word challenge - William
He loved the sand between his toes; he wished he could stay there all day. However, he had to get out to sea and catch some fish for his village, or they would starve. So he grabbed his net, jumped into his boat and set of. That day the crystal water was so clear you could see the bottom of the ocean.
When he got out to sea, he threw his net out into the water and pulled with all his might and tonnes of fish came pilling in and he knew that his father (the greatest fisherman in the whole village) would be proud of him.
Then something big caught his eye. It had long spinderly legs, massive claws dripping with green goo. It was a giant CRAB.
He loved the sand between his toes; he wished he could stay there all day. However, he had to get out to sea and catch some fish for his village, or they would starve. So he grabbed his net, jumped into his boat and set of. That day the crystal water was so clear you could see the bottom of the ocean.
When he got out to sea, he threw his net out into the water and pulled with all his might and tonnes of fish came pilling in and he knew that his father (the greatest fisherman in the whole village) would be proud of him.
Then something big caught his eye. It had long spinderly legs, massive claws dripping with green goo. It was a giant CRAB.
100 word challenge - Patrick and Owen
The crystal water was so clear I could see the bottom of the dark gloomy lake. I walked closer to the shore. I took a closer look at what was lurking at the bottom of the murderous lake. All of a sudden, a crocodile leaped rapidly out of the glistening water . It had rough green slimy scales. I began to creep, down the shore; I
a strange noise - it was a howl . The moon shone out in the dark, but clear, sky. The wind whistled in my face; I heard a rustle in thick bushes. What was going on?
a strange noise - it was a howl . The moon shone out in the dark, but clear, sky. The wind whistled in my face; I heard a rustle in thick bushes. What was going on?
100 word challenge
Just to remind you that this challenge is about CREATIVE writing. When you are thinking about your piece really think about the words you are using.
Now just to go over the rules again.
1.You MUST use the prompt in your piece. Try to make it part of the story.
2.You can only use 100 more words
3.Your entry must be linked here using the linky (ask your teacher about it if you have not used one before)
This is an extra rule:
1.Please try to read at least three other entries. Just click the link, read and leave a comment. Go to a different school then you can see what other people are doing with their writing.
This week’s prompt is: The crystal water was so clear you could see the bottom of…..
(Taken from
Now just to go over the rules again.
1.You MUST use the prompt in your piece. Try to make it part of the story.
2.You can only use 100 more words
3.Your entry must be linked here using the linky (ask your teacher about it if you have not used one before)
This is an extra rule:
1.Please try to read at least three other entries. Just click the link, read and leave a comment. Go to a different school then you can see what other people are doing with their writing.
This week’s prompt is: The crystal water was so clear you could see the bottom of…..
(Taken from
Stuart Broad
Stuart Broad is a English cricketer who is 24. He is a fast-medium bowler for Nottinghamshire. He is apart of the England team for the 2011 cricket world cup. His Dad (Chris Broad) was also a fast bowler for England and Nottingham-shire. He has played for Nott's since 2008 before then he played for Leicestershire for 2 years. He is a massive 6ft 6in. By Owen
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Vampire Diaries
I love Vampire Diaries because it is full of action, romance and drama, my favourite genres. I got into watching Vampire Diaries after I watched the film Twilight. Also because my friend told me about it and said that it was ‘Brill’. It’s about a teenage girl named Elena and how her boyfriend Stephan is a Vampire and so is his brother Damon. To make thing more complicated for Elena, Damon falls in love with her. At first it was because she looks exactly like their old ex love Katherine who is also a vampire. The vampire that turned Stephan and Damon many years ago. Katherine was believed to have been burn in a church over hundred years earlier. The truth comes out that actually Katherine had faked her own death and was actually alive. Due to her bad behaviour and selfishness Damon fell out of love with Katherine and fell in love with Elena for her kindness that brings out his humanity that he thought he had lost years ago when he turned into a vampire. Stephan is the good natured brother who cares deeply for the people around him, even his brother who kills people without feeling any remorse.
What complicates the story even more is that Elena finds out that she is Katherine’s doppelganger. A doppelganger is someone who looks exactly the same, it doesn’t mean they have the same personality though. This puts Elena in danger as the original vampire Klaus needs a doppelganger to break the curse of the vampire. This curse means vampires cannot go out in daylight. (Stephan and Damon can go out in daylight as they have special rings that protect them in sunlight). To break the curse Klaus must kill Elena, so Stephan and Damon are trying to protect her from Klaus finding out about her. The series is very addictive and I cannot wait to find out if Stephan and Damon are strong enough to protect Elena from a very powerful original vampire. I will have to keep watching the series to find out.
What complicates the story even more is that Elena finds out that she is Katherine’s doppelganger. A doppelganger is someone who looks exactly the same, it doesn’t mean they have the same personality though. This puts Elena in danger as the original vampire Klaus needs a doppelganger to break the curse of the vampire. This curse means vampires cannot go out in daylight. (Stephan and Damon can go out in daylight as they have special rings that protect them in sunlight). To break the curse Klaus must kill Elena, so Stephan and Damon are trying to protect her from Klaus finding out about her. The series is very addictive and I cannot wait to find out if Stephan and Damon are strong enough to protect Elena from a very powerful original vampire. I will have to keep watching the series to find out.
UDO British championships
One the 27th of February after many months of rehearsing I took part in the UDO British street dancing competition in Southport, in the under 14s team category and under 12s duos. It was a very long day as we had to leave the house at 7 am in the morning and did't get home till 8 o'clock at night. There was dance schools there from all over Britain taking part. By Mollie S
Preparation for st. kents got talent.
The Kids Got Talent At St. Kentigern's Primary School
Some of the children from St. Kentigern's school have started to prepare for the school talent show. They have been concentrating on what they are going to be doing. Some of them are singing and dancing and some of them are even doing cheer leading!
Many of the children that are joining in with the show are very excited because they don't know how the judges are going to chose the winner.
We went to a child in year six who is called Mollie she told us what she thought about St. Kent's got talent. “I think that St. Kent's got talent is a really good idea because children get to show the school what there talent is and also have a way of letting there inner self out."
We also went to Mrs Irvin (year six teacher) She told us that she thought that this event is a wonderful opportunity for the stars of the school to showcase all their wonderful talents.
By Annabel. S
Year 6
Some of the children from St. Kentigern's school have started to prepare for the school talent show. They have been concentrating on what they are going to be doing. Some of them are singing and dancing and some of them are even doing cheer leading!
Many of the children that are joining in with the show are very excited because they don't know how the judges are going to chose the winner.
We went to a child in year six who is called Mollie she told us what she thought about St. Kent's got talent. “I think that St. Kent's got talent is a really good idea because children get to show the school what there talent is and also have a way of letting there inner self out."
We also went to Mrs Irvin (year six teacher) She told us that she thought that this event is a wonderful opportunity for the stars of the school to showcase all their wonderful talents.
By Annabel. S
Year 6
Why are earthquakes so destructive?
Earthquakes are one of the most destructive forces on earth. These are some of the countries that are most likely to be hit.
West Coast USA
New Zealand
The earths crust is divided into enormous slabs of rock called tectonic plates. It is because of these that the continents have their shape. When the tectonic plates collide it causes an earthquake. Scientists have created a type of instrument that can actually record an earthquake. This is called a seismometer.
Earthquakes usually last up to a minute. However, some of the most destructive have lasted up to four minutes long. An earthquakes destructive process can destroy whole buildings, cars, bridges, houses and even take lives.
By William.
West Coast USA
New Zealand
The earths crust is divided into enormous slabs of rock called tectonic plates. It is because of these that the continents have their shape. When the tectonic plates collide it causes an earthquake. Scientists have created a type of instrument that can actually record an earthquake. This is called a seismometer.
Earthquakes usually last up to a minute. However, some of the most destructive have lasted up to four minutes long. An earthquakes destructive process can destroy whole buildings, cars, bridges, houses and even take lives.
By William.
World Book Day
Kent's goes mad with books
Children of St.Kentigern's have shown their inner person, by exploring the world of books, and have experienced many of new chapters in life using books.
The children from St. Kentigern's celebrated the wonderful imaginary world that is ........... BOOKS!!!
As the kids ran wild in pretty pink tu-tus and Spider man costumes holding their favorite book, things just started too get a little too wild, when we had the whole of Alice and wonderland cast as ......the teachers! With Mr Willis dressed as mad hatter and Miss Stocks dressed as Alice and Mrs Irvin dressed as the rabbit.
Later we had the children judged based on effort of their costumes.
YR-Luke as Mr Happy
Y1-Megan as Dora
Y2-Erin as Little red
y3-Nicolas as tin man
Y4-Giuseppe as Where's Wally
Y5-Caitlin as Roofus Skulpskin O'Parsly
Y6-Lauren as The white witch from Narnia.
As all the kids ran wild Annabel Slater was here to answer my question. The question was: 'What was it like to experience the wonderful history of books?' She replied “It was magical and had a big impact on my education, but some books weren't as good as others”. Then Supriya and Adona explained her costume (Minnie mouse) had inspired them since they were little.
The magical day was like being in Disney land. It gave the children an opportunity to have the light shine on them, and show what they really are like.
We are proud to have them at our school.
Children of St.Kentigern's have shown their inner person, by exploring the world of books, and have experienced many of new chapters in life using books.
The children from St. Kentigern's celebrated the wonderful imaginary world that is ........... BOOKS!!!
As the kids ran wild in pretty pink tu-tus and Spider man costumes holding their favorite book, things just started too get a little too wild, when we had the whole of Alice and wonderland cast as ......the teachers! With Mr Willis dressed as mad hatter and Miss Stocks dressed as Alice and Mrs Irvin dressed as the rabbit.
Later we had the children judged based on effort of their costumes.
YR-Luke as Mr Happy
Y1-Megan as Dora
Y2-Erin as Little red
y3-Nicolas as tin man
Y4-Giuseppe as Where's Wally
Y5-Caitlin as Roofus Skulpskin O'Parsly
Y6-Lauren as The white witch from Narnia.
As all the kids ran wild Annabel Slater was here to answer my question. The question was: 'What was it like to experience the wonderful history of books?' She replied “It was magical and had a big impact on my education, but some books weren't as good as others”. Then Supriya and Adona explained her costume (Minnie mouse) had inspired them since they were little.
The magical day was like being in Disney land. It gave the children an opportunity to have the light shine on them, and show what they really are like.
We are proud to have them at our school.
St.Kents V Baines
St.Kentigerns 4th game of the season against struggling Baines. Patrick L opened the scoring for St. Kentigern’s with a volley from a Matthew W’s corner. Kyle ran down the line and blasted the ball into the back of the net. After a brilliant clearance by Lochlan O, Matthew W took a huge touch towards the keeper and he kicked the ball out of the keeper’s hands and into the net the Ref gave a free kick. Then Baines let the goals fly in and the score was 8-3 to St.Kentigerns. By Owen
Nick kids love jack
Jack Black to host the Nickelodeon awards 2011 in Pauly Pavilion Stadium
This year's Nickelodeon Choice Awards will be hosted by the one and only Jack Black. The award show will be held at the Pauly Pavilion stadium, on the 3rd April, to see who will win out of our most loved shows like Icarly, Victorious and many many more!
This year's categories will be...
Nicks favorite TV show, Nicks funnest person, favorite realty show, favorite Actor, favorite Actress, Funnest TV sidekick, favorite cartoon, favorite athlete, favorite book, favorite video game, favorite movie and many more.
Kids all over the world are now voting for there favorite TV program and are just waiting to see who wins!
We interviewed Mazvita [a nickelodeon fan] and she said: ”I love the Nickelodeon chose awards and this year will be the best because we have Jack Black and he is so funny.”
by Megan. F.
Jack Black to host the Nickelodeon awards 2011 in Pauly Pavilion Stadium
This year's Nickelodeon Choice Awards will be hosted by the one and only Jack Black. The award show will be held at the Pauly Pavilion stadium, on the 3rd April, to see who will win out of our most loved shows like Icarly, Victorious and many many more!
This year's categories will be...
Nicks favorite TV show, Nicks funnest person, favorite realty show, favorite Actor, favorite Actress, Funnest TV sidekick, favorite cartoon, favorite athlete, favorite book, favorite video game, favorite movie and many more.
Kids all over the world are now voting for there favorite TV program and are just waiting to see who wins!
We interviewed Mazvita [a nickelodeon fan] and she said: ”I love the Nickelodeon chose awards and this year will be the best because we have Jack Black and he is so funny.”
by Megan. F.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
A winter's day at the park
As I was walking to the park with my family, my feet felt like they were about to drop off. The only reason we were going to the park was because every day of our holiday we had been stuck in and today my mum finally decided to get us out of the house. All the way there, I could feel the ice cold wind rushed around me like a tornado.
When we reached the park, the trees had long icicles hanging off them, just like claws ready to reach out and grab you. My brother and I raced to the play area. I slipped. I laughed and got back up before running to catch him.
When we were on the park we played on everything; it was the most fun I’d had in ages. Me and my sister ran straight to the slippy silver slide and went down it at least ten times or more. From the top of the slide I could see the grass was not grass, it was like a blanket of frost with three clawed footprints leading to a fallen nest.
Eventually, Lucy-Leigh moaned that she was starving to death so mum gave in and decided to start walking back. It was so cold it was like I had just been sat in a freezer for an hour. My lips, fingertips and nose had begun to turn as blue as the shimmering lake.
When we arrived at the front door we were greeted by the dog licking us and the warmth of the radiator reaching our freezing skin.
Fashion topic
Y6 are making some clothing into unusual designs (like Junky Styling or Noki). Y6 are going to be use a t-shirt and they can also bring some old clothes from home that they still fit into to make say a dress , top , skirt or even a coat. We are holding a fashion show in the hall and are going to model our design and your parents have to pay and give the money to C.A.F.O.D for their designs .
C.A.F.O.D is the official catholic aid agency for England and Wales. In more than 40 countries across the world they bring hope, compassion and solidarity to poor communities, standing side by side with them to end of poverty and justice.
C.A.F.O.D means catholic agency for overseas development.
C.A.F.O.D is the official catholic aid agency for England and Wales. In more than 40 countries across the world they bring hope, compassion and solidarity to poor communities, standing side by side with them to end of poverty and justice.
C.A.F.O.D means catholic agency for overseas development.
Members of Cafod visit Kenya and gave a warm welcome to the children laini saba
Jon and Rachel had been on a journey to Kenya and they had experienced the amazing African culture .They went to the national safari park in Nairobi . Also they have seen real global justice problems and poverty and climate change.
Jon and Rachel went visit St johns sports society in Korogocho. Korogocho church is outside a massive slum area in Nairobi and Rachel found a quote displayed it read “the first duty of love is to listen”
Jon and Rachel experienced a range of foods from Kenya and they both said “It made our taste buds tingle.” There was different types of food like ugali also sukumawiki and there were juicy mangos.
He shoots he scores ..........he shot a student
Cole shot 21-year-old Tom Cowan from just 5ft away on Friday the 20th of Febuary as he “larked about” with a .22 calibre air rifle at Chelsea Football Club’s training ground. Cowan was given medical treatment immediately after the “larks”. He did not die.(phew!) Cole might have been fined a month’s wages for manslaughter.
A spokesman said “we are continuing inquiries whether any criminal offences have taken place.”
Cole has apologised for his actions. Apparently, he didn't no it had any bullets in it.
St.Kentigerns 4th game of the season against struggling Baines. Patrick L opened the scoring for St. Kentigern’s with a volley from a Matthew W’s corner. Kyle ran down the line and blasted the ball into the back of the net. After a brilliant clearance by Lochlan O, Matthew W took a huge touch towards the keeper and he kicked the ball out of the keeper’s hands and into the net the Ref gave a free kick. Then Baines let the goals fly in and the score was 8-3.
Children of St.Kentigern's have shown their inner person, by exploring the world of books, and have experienced loads of new chapters in life (using books).
The children from St. Kentigern's celebrated the wonderful world that revolves around children's education........... BOOKS!!!
As the kids ran wild in pretty pink two-two's and Spider man costumes holding their favorite book, things just started too get a little too wild, when we had the whole of Alice and wonderland cast as ......the teachers , with Mr Willis dressed as mad hatter and Miss Stocks dressed as Alice and Mrs Irvin dressed as the rabbit.
Later we had the children judged based on effort of their costumes.
YR-Luke as Mr Happy
Y1-Megan as Dora
Y2-Erin as Little red
y3-Nicolas as tin man
Y4-Giuseppe as Where's Wolly
Y5-Caitlin as
Y6-Lauren as The white witch from Narnia.
As all the kids ran wild, Annabel Slater was here to answer my question. The question is, what was it like to experience the wonderful history of books? She replied “It was magical and had a big impact on my education, but some books weren't as good as others”. Then Supriya and Adona explained their costumes (Minnie mouse) had inspired them since they were little.
The magical day was like being in Disney land. It gave the children an opportunity to have the light shine on them, and show what they really are like.
We are proud to have them at our school.
Prairie dogs were seen kissing for the cameras at an American zoo.
Two Prairie dogs were caught kissing for the public in St Louses zoo because they wanted to show off. It was a hit with the public and the most interesting thing of the day. The two Prairie dogs affections were noticed to show more affectionate behavior they knew they were being watched. There were 26 other animals were also kissing and hugging but the two Prairie dogs were the most popular.
The Prairie dogs are normally living in the grassland but they are endangered and live in a zoo.
The American zoo are going to be very happy in the future, when they have baby prairie dogs.
Xbox Kinect
The Xbox Kinect is a whole new way of playing because on this console, you are the controller. Some of the games are unbelievably mindblowing, including kinectimals, kinect joy ride and kinect sports.
The Kinect is a small box which only costs £149 but it takes up a lot of space so you might need a big house.
The estimated price was originally a huge £500 million but ended up at the bargain price of £149!
Kinect Adventures
The Kinect Adventures are like party games, the games that are included are the river rush and rallyball. So I think this game is for lots of players.
Kinect sports
Kinect sports is the equivalent of wii sports, it has lots of fun games including bowling, football, volleyball and tennis.
By Harry O
The Kinect is a small box which only costs £149 but it takes up a lot of space so you might need a big house.
The estimated price was originally a huge £500 million but ended up at the bargain price of £149!
Kinect Adventures
The Kinect Adventures are like party games, the games that are included are the river rush and rallyball. So I think this game is for lots of players.
Kinect sports
Kinect sports is the equivalent of wii sports, it has lots of fun games including bowling, football, volleyball and tennis.
By Harry O
Baby gorilla takes first steps at 3 months of age.
The zoo keepers at London zoo are thrilled to see their youngest gorilla leave his mothers side and take his first steps around his gorilla kingdom.
The zoo keepers caught the first steps taken by the 3 month baby gorilla leaving his mums side for the first time and walking by himself on camera and
you can watch online at
In an interview one of the zoo keepers said “I was delighted when I saw the baby gorilla take his first steps at such a young age.”
By Caitlin S and Rachael P
ice skating
I go beat night at the pleasure beach ice skating rink i go every other Sunday at 7 till 9, I go with all my friends I like going ice skating, the DJ plays great music every time, the people who work there teach us great skills, I love going ice skating I enjoy it I have a lot of fun. Sometimes i will go on an Saturday with my best friend Jessica and her big sister Chelcee and her little sister Caitlin which are great ice skaters i have loads of fun at ice skating that is my hobby and i love going.
Recycle, Recycle and more Recycling
On Friday 18th February years 5/6 went on a trip to the Global Renewable site in Leyland to learn about how to save our environment. After a guided tour around the building year 5 went to do some experiments while year 6 had some fun with the games to understand more about Recycling.
Year 5 learnt a lot about micro organisms and did a very interesting experiment to understand a bit more about bacteria. They had a very long talk with their guide and saw some pictures of micro organisms to see what it was like.
Later on in the afternoon it was year 5’s turn to have some fun. They had a long tour around the building looking at the rubbish going through all the machines. On their way they stopped to have a little talk about the 3 R’s; Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. They also did some experiments with magnets to have a brief idea of what the machines do.
In an interview with a girl from year 6 named Supriya she said, “It was really fun going to the global renewable site. I liked going through the walkway looking at all the rubbish and the machines, although it was a bit smelly! I also liked it when our rubbish was weighed on the Green Hand Machine. I liked playing the games. My favourite game was putting the pie pieces together. Our class had a long talk about rubbish with one of the guides. It was very interesting.”
Soon it was time for them to go back to school. They had really good fun finding out about recycling. Years 5 and 6 have now promised to follow the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Adona M
Year 5 learnt a lot about micro organisms and did a very interesting experiment to understand a bit more about bacteria. They had a very long talk with their guide and saw some pictures of micro organisms to see what it was like.
Later on in the afternoon it was year 5’s turn to have some fun. They had a long tour around the building looking at the rubbish going through all the machines. On their way they stopped to have a little talk about the 3 R’s; Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. They also did some experiments with magnets to have a brief idea of what the machines do.
In an interview with a girl from year 6 named Supriya she said, “It was really fun going to the global renewable site. I liked going through the walkway looking at all the rubbish and the machines, although it was a bit smelly! I also liked it when our rubbish was weighed on the Green Hand Machine. I liked playing the games. My favourite game was putting the pie pieces together. Our class had a long talk about rubbish with one of the guides. It was very interesting.”
Soon it was time for them to go back to school. They had really good fun finding out about recycling. Years 5 and 6 have now promised to follow the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Adona M
Nick Kids Love Jack
Jack Black to host the Nickelodeon awards 2011 in Pauly Pavilion Stadium
This year's Nickelodeon Choice Awards will be hosted by the one and only Jack Black. The award show will be held at the Pauly Pavilion stadium, on the 3rd April, to see who will win out of our most loved shows like Icarly, Victorious and many many more!
This year's categories will be...
Nicks favorite TV show, Nicks funnest person, favorite realty show, favorite Actor, favorite Actress, Funnest TV sidekick, favorite cartoon, favorite athlete, favorite book, favorite video game, favorite movie and many more.
Kids all over the world are now voting for there favorite TV program and are just waiting to see who wins!
We interviewed Mazvita [a nickelodeon fan] and she said: ”I love the Nickelodeon chose awards and this year will be the best because we have Jack Black and he is so funny.”
by Megan
This year's Nickelodeon Choice Awards will be hosted by the one and only Jack Black. The award show will be held at the Pauly Pavilion stadium, on the 3rd April, to see who will win out of our most loved shows like Icarly, Victorious and many many more!
This year's categories will be...
Nicks favorite TV show, Nicks funnest person, favorite realty show, favorite Actor, favorite Actress, Funnest TV sidekick, favorite cartoon, favorite athlete, favorite book, favorite video game, favorite movie and many more.
Kids all over the world are now voting for there favorite TV program and are just waiting to see who wins!
We interviewed Mazvita [a nickelodeon fan] and she said: ”I love the Nickelodeon chose awards and this year will be the best because we have Jack Black and he is so funny.”
by Megan
83rd academy awards!
83rd academy awards!
On Monday 28t h February 2011 it was the day of the Oscars in Los Angeles.
As ever, all the stars turned out in their finest clothes for this glamorous event. The women wore long, sparkly dresses and the men looked handsome in their tuxedoes.
The nervous stars waited to see if their name was called out. The winner for best picture was ‘The Kings Speech’ which also picked up the winner for best actor, Colin Firth. In this film Colin firth is a royal king with a really bad stutter and he has to learn how to talk in public with the help of a voice coach.
The winner for best actress was Natalie Portman from ‘Black Swan’ for he performance as a talented, but disturbed ballerina.
Other films picking up top awards were: Toy Story 3 (for best original song), Alice In Wonderland (for best costume design), Inception (for best sound editing) and The Social Network (for best original score).
On Monday 28t h February 2011 it was the day of the Oscars in Los Angeles.
As ever, all the stars turned out in their finest clothes for this glamorous event. The women wore long, sparkly dresses and the men looked handsome in their tuxedoes.
The nervous stars waited to see if their name was called out. The winner for best picture was ‘The Kings Speech’ which also picked up the winner for best actor, Colin Firth. In this film Colin firth is a royal king with a really bad stutter and he has to learn how to talk in public with the help of a voice coach.
The winner for best actress was Natalie Portman from ‘Black Swan’ for he performance as a talented, but disturbed ballerina.
Other films picking up top awards were: Toy Story 3 (for best original song), Alice In Wonderland (for best costume design), Inception (for best sound editing) and The Social Network (for best original score).
Have you started SATs yet? Well St. Kent's Y6 are working there heads off. They are working so hard that no one can stop them...ever!
Children all across England are preparing for SATs. Government want children to achieve as many level 4's as possible. Teachers say that they just want their children to reach their full potential.
Children all across England are preparing for SATs. Government want children to achieve as many level 4's as possible. Teachers say that they just want their children to reach their full potential.
SATs will start on the 9th of May and it will go on for 4 days. Children are hoping that they will get level 5's and they are nervous and excited at the same time. A group of children said that they are targeting for level 4's but they would be even happier if they got level 5's.
So what do you think about SATs - good thing or bad?
The Japan earthquake shocked and suprised me ,when i saw the videos of the distruction in Japan in was speeechless . The amount of warter wich rised above Japan was enormas .Also there was a huge explotion at a nearby nuclear powerplant and up to 10,000 people were missing in Japan and around 50,000 rescuers have been deployed .A 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Japan on friday 11th March ,causing a tsnarmi killed thousands of jappanisse people.
Monday, 14 March 2011
Fifa 11 Ps3 Game review
Fifa 11 Ps3 Game review
Fifa 11 is the most recent football game from EA Sports. It has got plenty of features like career mode and Online mode. In career mode, you’re your own manager, Player and Player manager you can buy and sell players who you sign up for. Online mode allows you to have Interactive World cup Football matches and ‘Play a Friend’ matches. All gamers have a rank and every time you win you earn points to improve your profile.
The game can be played at different levels of difficulty: amateur, semi-pro, professional, world class and legendary. This ensures that the game stays interesting and all the family can play.
In my opinion, it is a game that you must have if you’re interested in football and have always dreamed of being a football manager.
Fifa 11 is the most recent football game from EA Sports. It has got plenty of features like career mode and Online mode. In career mode, you’re your own manager, Player and Player manager you can buy and sell players who you sign up for. Online mode allows you to have Interactive World cup Football matches and ‘Play a Friend’ matches. All gamers have a rank and every time you win you earn points to improve your profile.
The game can be played at different levels of difficulty: amateur, semi-pro, professional, world class and legendary. This ensures that the game stays interesting and all the family can play.
In my opinion, it is a game that you must have if you’re interested in football and have always dreamed of being a football manager.
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Calling all year sixes, yesterday we were given a revision timetable to complete ourselves. How much revision/homework should we be doing in preparation for our sats? I do one hour a day including weekends. Do you think this is enough? I would love to hear your comments. by Rachel
Thursday, 10 March 2011
The most beautiful thing in the world
You find a box that contains the most beautiful things in the world.
What can you see?
What can you see?
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
What is the next giant leap for mankind?
What is the next giant leap for mankind?

(Image courtesy of NASA)
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