Friday, 1 April 2011

Kieran-100wc week 5

The eyes were as bright as the sun, it was like you had to wear sunglasses to stare at him. He moved his mouth, as if he were secretly licking his lips without me knowing, but I knew! The next day I took my dog Jessie for a walk in the park, and we met once again, but something was different this time. I saw a chainsaw near it, and somehow it had more legs as hair. JESSIE? WHERE ARE YOU?? By the time i got home i told mum what happened. "Come on" said mum. "We will find him". We went back to the park and this time the statue had fury legs, but I had to find Jessie! Wait a minute...


  1. A great piece Kieran! You probably needed to mention a pot somewhere but the description of the legs is great! Hope to see you next week on the 100WC!

  2. thanks i know i should have put more description of it butt its too late now.
