Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Connors home work wk5

It was a beautiful day in Blackpool and I was in Stanley park looking at all the interesting and wonderful flowers. Until I came to this very disturbing feature.It was extremely unusual, it had two feet sticking out.But these wasn't just any old feet, the feet were multi coloured.I slowly crept up to it, it was horrific. There was a cheesy grin on the plant pot.Suddenly I saw the strange figure move I knew it couldn't be true.I looked again and I saw it move this time I was definate, It moved .I knew what I had to do RUN!!!!!


  1. That was Brill Connor!

  2. Excellent Connor! I love the way you built the tension with gradually seeing the movement. It's great to see you on the 100WC!

  3. thx megan and jfb57
