Monday, 9 May 2011

The big black spider

I was just walking past the building. Then I saw a huge spider building a huge web. Every one was screaming. Then I became huge and then I was green with huge muscles - I was the hulk. I crushed the web and chucked it at the spider and it fell over. I picked it up and lobbed it at the end of the street and it got back up and it ran to me and got knocked to the end of the street and it ran for me again but I grabbed its leg and snapped. Then it dissappeared into thin air.


  1. Goodness! I can see that green giant Joe! What an great take on the prompt!Thank you for writing for the 100WC!

  2. I remember watching the Hulk Joe & I'm sure he would make mince meat of such a spider! Thanks for joining the 100WC. Hope to see you next week!
