Friday, 18 February 2011

On our way home

Our class has just came back from our trip at the Global Renewables Plant. When we walked round we saw all the rubish getting crushed up and sherded we learnt loads of new stuff, we are very lucky we went. Then at lunch we had to whay our non waste rubish it wasnt that bad, we got 12.6g per a person and we came 9th out of all ten schools. We had a look at all diffrent rubish they was evan a pare of football trainers. All the rubish had been put into all the right colloms the workers there are very hard workers, we had loads of fun to end the week and is very thankful for going (but it was very smelly!!).

Reece and Danielle

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting day Reece and Danielle. Were you surprised at the weight of your rubbish? Now you can see the importance of putting your rubbish/recycling in the correct bin.
    Your story was very well written.
    Thank you :)
