Friday 19 November 2010

Endangered Animals

When you have found out some facts about the endangered animal you have chosen, why don't you post them here? It would be wonderful if we could all read each others work.


  1. Dolphins can become endangered if the ocean is polluted or if the dolphins get tangled up in fishing nets. Dolphins can stay up 15 minutes under water, but they can't breath under water!! Dolphins eat fish and squids. The Bottle nose Dolphins can grow up to 2.8m.Bottle nose dolphins can swim 5 to 12 km per hour!!!!

  2. I learnt that the one horned Rhino is endangered because poachers kill them for their horns.You can find these animals in Asia,India and some parts of Africa in tall grass fields.

  3. For this weeks homework i chose to research the African shark my most favourite one was the Whale Shark:

    1.the whale shark does not reach maturaty till the age of thirty and it lives up to 100 years or even more!!!

    2.the whale shark's jaw is lined up with 300 tiny teeth!!!

    3. the whale shark is believed to be up to 50 feet long!!!

    4.the whale shark does not eat fish it eats plants from the bottom of the sea.

  4. Wow what great facts!

    Thanks a lot for sharing them with us

  5. My endangered animal is a cheeta.
    They are the fastest animal on land.
    Cheetahs can accelerate at the rate of a sport car!
    Sprit at the speed of 75mph.
