Saturday, 27 November 2010

Animal riddles

As part of your homework this week, you are going to be writing endangered animal riddles. When you have written them, add them as a comment to this post and we will try and guess what your animal is. I can't wait to read them!

Mrs Irvin


  1. I am usually grey in colour,
    and I am very friendly and cute.
    I am not a whale or a shark,
    I live in oceans and rivers.
    I am a ....................

  2. Dolphin?

    Well done for being the first to share your riddle Supriya!

  3. I am very fast
    I am spotty
    I am fury
    I am endangred
    I am strong
    I am active at day

    I am a ..........

  4. My animal is white
    It is sometimes vicious
    They live in icy place
    They like to eat fish.
    They like to swim around in cold, icy water.
    My animal is very soft
    And is very big
    They have big claws and sharp teeth

    I am a ..........

  5. Thank you Jean and Jessica for your wonderful animal riddles.

    Jean are you a....cheetah?

    Jessica are you a...polar bear?

  6. I live in Africa .
    I am a big cat with sharp teeth and nails.
    I am a 3m long and I am a leader.
    What am I ?

  7. who am I ????
    I'm black and white ,
    Have flippers and a fin,
    I live in the sea,
    relative of the dolphin ,
    What can I be ???????

  8. Kacper, I am sure that your animal must be the King of the Jungle - a lion. Am I right?
    Mollie, this is a difficult one but I'm guessing that it might be a porpoise. Hope I got it right. How did you both find out so much about endangered animals?
